Market Programs

Our market is all inclusive and it is our mission to make fresh, quality produce accessible for EVERYONE! You will need to visit the UFM Informational Booth to process and complete your transactions.

While our vendors always accept cash, UFM accepts the following forms of payment…

UFM Tokens


No need to worry about heading to the ATM. Swipe your card at the informational booth and receive tokens. The tokens can be used at any of our vendors. Comes in $5 increments. Nominal fee is applied for the service. Change can be given for the GREEN tokens ONLY.

Clay Cash


Use your SNAP/EBT when shopping the farmers market for items that you would normally buy at the grocery store. Clay Cash comes in $1.00 increments. Clay Cash cannot be used at Food Trucks. You will NOT receive change when using Clay Cash

Double Value

Produce Perks

Double your SNAP/EBT Clay Cash, up to $25.00 with Produce Perks. Produce Perks can only be used once per day. Produce Perks can be used to purchase fruit, vegetables, and cut herbs ONLY. Produce Perks will come in $1.00 increments. No change can be given.

Check back for more!

We’re currently working on adding additional market programs. Please check back periodically for more information!