Join the Uhrichsville farmers market
UFM Application: Produce/Farm/Food Vendor
Interested in joining the UFM family? Please fill out an application here!
UFM Application: Artison Vendor
Are you an artisan looking to share your artistic ability with others? Fill out an application today!
UFM Guidelines
During the 2025 season, the Market shall be open every Friday during the months of June, July, August. The Market shall open at 5:00pm and close at 8:00pm.
The Market fee for each vendor, each Market day, is $10. The fee must be submitted by each vendor by the end of each attended Market. Fees are to be submitted to a Board member at the UFM information table.
- All vendors must pay their weekly vendor fee by the end of the market. You will pay your market fee by at the UFM information booth. Vendor space fees are $10 per space, per market date. Late payments will not be tolerated.
- Vendors must have their booth ready by the 5:00pm opening of the Market. Vendors arriving at the Market after 5:00pm will be admitted only at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
- We do not encourage early sales, but will grant a 15 minute grace period should a vendor choose to sell to early customers.
- Vendors may bring their vehicles into the Market from 3:00pm-4:45pm. No vehicles will be allowed in the Market after 4:45pm until the Market closes at 8:00pm and pedestrian traffic has ceased.
A) Parking for vendors will be located on Main Street and Fourth Street, as well as Main Street and Second Street public parking spaces.
- Vendors are not permitted to leave before the Market closes at 8:00pm.
- All vendor areas will be cleaned and empty by 9:00pm. A fine not to exceed $25 may be imposed by the Board of Directors for violation of this rule.
- Vendors must display their products under a tent. The tent must be tied down securely with weights before the start of each market. Each vendor shall display a sign stating their name and location. Each vendor shall have prices displayed.
- Any vendor, when asked by a customer about a product’s composition, must fully disclose the ingredients and the origins of ingredients to the best of his/her knowledge.
- All vendors are required to attend the Market on each agreed upon date. Should a vendor be unable to attend, he/she is responsible for finding someone to run their Market booth. With the exception of illness, vendor absences are not tolerated and may result in vendor removal from the Market, to be decided at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
The Uhrichsville Farmers Market will hold event insurance. Vendors are responsible for providing their own insurance for their business, if they choose to do so. Vendors who do not carry liability insurance will be required to sign an indemnification waiver. The Uhrichsville Farmers Market is not responsible for any legal action taken against a vendor of the Market.
- A grower is a person or organization who raises his/her own products on his/her own farm and contracts for them to be processed, processes the products himself/herself, or sells the products as harvested.
- A processor purchases local ingredients where feasible and locally processes them into finished products himself/herself and sells them at the Market pursuant to all other Market rules and/or governmental regulations. Processor includes producers required to have a Mobile Food Service license.
- The following actions are not considered either growing or processing: packaging, aging, shaping, portioning, cleaning/washing, purchasing, transporting/distribution, etc. These are only examples, and any other action will be judged by the Board of Directors.
- Producers may not sell as a franchise or use franchise trademarks at the market.
- Radical price cutting of top-quality produce is prohibited. Poor quality or overripe produce must be labeled as such and sold for a discounted price.
- Selling of dairy products, eggs, meats, canned goods, and other processed or potentially hazardous products must meet all legal requirements. A grower who sells meat cuts must have owned and raised, for a minimum of 50% of the animal's life, the animal from which the cuts come. The animal must be slaughtered and packaged at a state licensed facility. State licensed processing facilities are not permitted to sell at the market.
- Vendors must comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations of the United States, State of Ohio, and City of Uhrichsville. Vendors must obtain all licenses, permits, or certifications so required and these must be available upon request at the market.
- Pets are allowed inside the Market, but must be leashed at all times.
- Bicycles are not permitted inside the Market.
- Vendors may sell promotional swag at their booths as long as these items take up no more than 5% of their retail space.
- There will be no political or religious campaigning allowed during the market.
- Community Service Organizations will be allowed space at the Uhrichsville Farmers Market if they submit a request and are approved by the Board of Directors. All materials must be approved prior to the event day.
The selling of artisan items is permissible at the Uhrichsville Farmers Market. These items are defined as: a handmade product produced personally which has primary components of an agricultural nature. Examples include: beeswax candles, brooms, and flower arrangements. Items made primarily from purchased components are not eligible for sale at the market. Approval and exceptions are to be made by the Board of Directors. In order to preserve the Uhrichsville Farmers Market as primarily a farm market venue, the Board will—at its discretion—limit the number of non-food items which may be sold at the market.
A Market participant found to be in violation of these guidelines will receive a verbal warning of breach of guidelines by a Board Officer. A second violation will result in a written warning. A third violation can result in removal from the Market, at the discretion of the Board of Directors.